
Sustainability and Eco Schools

Sustainability is an important issue for us at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. Through our curriculum, assemblies and visitors to school, we aim to raise further awareness of the effects of climate change and the need to protect our environment. We are working together to put sustainability at the heart of everything we do. 

At St Joseph’s we are taking part in the Let’s Go Zero campaign, an initiative backed by the government that encourages schools to work towards achieving zero waste and reducing our carbon footprint. We are one of only fifty schools to be chosen from across the country to participate in this campaign. The campaign aims to support schools in becoming more sustainable by implementing various strategies to minimise waste, save energy, and reduce our environmental impact.

We are aiming to:

  • Ensure the school is recycling effectively at all times, including food waste.

  • Reduce the use of energy in school.

  • Maximise the benefits of our Heat Source Pump. 

  • Increase awareness about waste reduction, littering and recycling.

  • Increase awareness about air quality and the importance of sustainable travel

  • Welcome visitors to our school to talk about environmental issues.

  • Organise Bikeability cycle training.

  • Encourage walking, cycling and scooting to school.

  • Encourage parents and carers to switch off their cars when waiting outside of school, not leaving the engine idling.

  • Learn about the environment and the dangers of climate change for future generations.

Eco Council

Children in Year 5 and Year 6 are invited to join the school’s Eco Club. This club is involved in a range of activities to help the school to reduce its energy usage and carbon footprint. 
